fmap is an R package for creating Fresnel Maps, or thematic maps with equal-area concentric circular zones (or annuli). The Fresnel Map is a new mapping technique that could be utilised as an alternative way of addressing the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem’s scale effect. fmap can be installed via Github.
# Load the sf datasets of cholera deaths and Soho pumps
data(cholera_deaths, soho_pumps)
# Filter the Broad Street Pump from the Soho pumps dataset
bstreet_pump = soho_pumps %>% filter(soho.pump == "Broad Street")
# Visualise the Fresnel Map
fmap_plot(radius_inner = 125, ncircles = 8, geo_centre = bstreet_pump, geo_points = cholera_deaths, sum = "cholera.deaths")